About Dr. Deir's, ND Medical Training
Dr. Jennifer Deir, ND received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Canada’s leading institution for the study of Naturopathic medicine. Her training there consisted of four years and over 4,200 hours of study in basic medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, immunology), clinical disciplines (physical and clinical diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis, radiology, orthopedics), and naturopathic disciplines (botanical medicine, counseling, homeopathy, nutrition, oriental medicine, physical medicine).
She completed an in-house residency at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic working as a clinic intern. During her internship she was resonsible for the primary care of patients while being supervised by senior doctors. During her training, Dr. Deir, ND also completed 2 additional clinical internships in Toronto, Canada. The first of these was at Parkdale Community Health Center – a multi-disciplinary clinic that focused on the treatment of patients from various social, cultural, and economic ways of life. The second internship was at Anishnawbe Health Centre – another multi-disciplinary clinic that provided treatment to patients of Aboriginal descent.
She completed an in-house residency at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic working as a clinic intern. During her internship she was resonsible for the primary care of patients while being supervised by senior doctors. During her training, Dr. Deir, ND also completed 2 additional clinical internships in Toronto, Canada. The first of these was at Parkdale Community Health Center – a multi-disciplinary clinic that focused on the treatment of patients from various social, cultural, and economic ways of life. The second internship was at Anishnawbe Health Centre – another multi-disciplinary clinic that provided treatment to patients of Aboriginal descent.