Dr. Deir, ND is no longer located in California. Visits scheduled will be either on the phone or via Facetime. When scheduling an appointment, please be mindful of the length of visit that you schedule. If you schedule more time than you think you may need (ie 45 minutes and the visit only last for 30 minutes), you will only be billed for the time that you use.
Email appointment information:
Due to the high volume of emails received, you have the option of scheduling an email appointment so your question can receive the time and energy it deserves.
Billable emails include the following:
Email appointment information:
Due to the high volume of emails received, you have the option of scheduling an email appointment so your question can receive the time and energy it deserves.
Billable emails include the following:
- New treatment requests
- Questions regarding new laboratory tests, new supplements, etc.
- Requests for interpreting and reading new laboratory tests that you have completed since your last visit
- Prescription refills
- Clarification of existing treatment plans
- Progress updates that have been requested
- Scheduling clarification
- Simple yes or no questions
Please schedule an appointment below or by calling 1-888-723-0091. Dr. Deir, ND will contact you at the time and date selected. If you need an appointment outside of available times, please call or email and we will try to find an alternative time.